Alleluia Orchestra’s inaugural project in June 2019 established new friendships with communities in seven locations across Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland. Twenty-eight musicians and 12 support team members from the United States and Israel performed eight concerts. In less than 24 hours of arriving in Italy, orchestra musicians met each other, enjoyed fellowship and focus on our purpose to share the love of God, and then played our first concert in Casorate Primo, PV Italy. God truly paved the way for the orchestra to share musical excellence and the gospel message to our new friends in Italy and Switzerland.

Each concert featured 12 orchestral songs and one vocal praise song with a soloist from each local host church. Each concert was a joyous celebration of God’s love for humanity and our response to His love with songs of worship.

The need for an individual relationship with Jesus Christ is just as evident in these cities as it is throughout the United States:

Casorate Primo, Italy: Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica Battista di Casorate Primo

Bellinzona, Switzerland: Collegiate Church of Bellinzona

Torino, Italy: Gospel Live at Associazione Gospel House concert and Sunday worship

Varese, Italy: Salone Estense

Bologna, Italy: Gospel Forum Bologna

Castiglioni del Lago Tuscany, Italy: La Scuola di Musica del Trasimeno Sala della Musica F. Marchesini

Citta Della Pieve, Italy: Outdoor concert at Duomo Citta Della Pieve Town Square


Milco and Daniela Margaroli
  The Archpriest of Bellinzona told me that he would like to thank the Alleluia Orchestra and that the church of Bellinzona is the highest of churches in Ticino, but it was not high enough to contain the glory and greatness of God we have experienced together. I find these words extraordinary because they testify that we were united to raise all together the one great God. In me, and Daniela and our collaborators a strong feeling of enthusiasm has remained because we have discovered a new way to bring the gospel, that of the cultural events.  
Roberto Albano
  Amazing night!! Thank you Alleluia Orchestra, see you soon! Thanks to director Bruce Pearson and the organizer Stacey D'Abate. You are great! Thanks to the municipality of Varese for patronage and availability.  
Guiseppe Capuano and Julia Fleming
  For us, it was truly a blessing and the first time we were allowed to evangelize in the Piazza di Città della Pieve. People enjoyed exquisite music as they listened to the message of salvation. For the first time, we worked together with the help of the municipality. The praises that I have raised in heaven have broken ties here in the spiritual environment. We were truly blessed.  
Drew and Amber Cline
  Hosting Alleluia Orchestra will be one of the highlights of this year for FBCScottsdale! The concert was heartfelt and of phenomenal quality! It was truly exhilarating to be in the sanctuary while the concert was happening. There were moments of awe and amazement with regards to the arrangements and execution; yet, there were other moments that inspired my faith and naturally drew me into worship. It was an amazing event!  
Mike D'Anna
  The event that Alleluia Orchestra performed here in Bologna was truly a great great blessing for us. People appreciate each one of you so much apart the wonderful music, the praises, the worship. We all fell in love with all of you.      
Rev. Dr. Robert (Bob) L Simmons
  I experienced a touch of heaven at a recent concert by Alleluia Orchestra, under the Direction of Bruce Pearson. It was a Christ-centered evening of inspiring and uplifting music that touched the core of my soul! There is an old hymn written by John W. Peterson that beautifully states what we all experienced at that concert: “heaven came down and glory filled my soul”. If you are desiring a Christ filled evening of music that will fill you with joy and hope, then you must invite Alleluia Orchestra to your church or organization. And when you do, get ready to experience a touch of heaven!