Alleluia Orchestra professionally records and creates videos to extend our reach beyond the Phoenix metro area, to further our mission to connect people with Jesus by glorifying Him with our music and message.

We are pleased to announce our latest record of “Jesus Paid it All”, which will be finished into a video in 2024. Listen now!

We are blessed to offer our a mini-concert video which showcases showcases three songs out of our full in-person concert offering that joins musicians who love the Lord and bring people together to worship Him.

The three songs featured in our mini-concert were recorded during the COVID pandemic while we could not travel or host in-person concerts. We added photography and videography of our musicians in performance and rehearsal, as well as the beautiful Southwest United States, to create this gift for you. In the finished mini-concert video, Bruce Pearson, our Music & Ministry Director, introduces each song, shares how the core messages of each song reflect the Gospel message, and delivers an invitation to invite Jesus into your heart today.

Enjoy our mini-concert video, featuring:

  • “Praise Him! Praise Him!”, arranged by Laird Halling;
  • “Amazing Grace”, arranged by Jeff Cranfill; and,
  • “Hosanna (Praise is Rising)!”, by Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown and arranged by Laird Halling

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and “like” our Mini-Concert and other videos!